• Address
  • Chicago-USA

Self Study Materials

  • CCLQP certification course is developed to have hands on knowledge that will have a clear, direct, and positive impact on the laboratory professionals ability to improve and sustain quality and safety in their laboratories. Whether you are looking to enhance your skills within your current position as a quality manager or looking to make a change by getting a quality manager position, or simply for your personal development by improving your knowledge of laboratory quality, the CCLQP is the right course for you.
  • The course goes along with an examination (if you choose to take it) that gives you the opportunity to earn a certificate in the clinical laboratory quality field and demonstrate your mastery of the subject matter. Please see below for more information.
  • The CCLQP certification course gives an understanding of clinical laboratories quality and its implementations. List of topics included in this course:

1. Quality Assurance In Clinical Laboratories
2. Specimens’ Stages: Preanalytical, Analytical, Postanalytical
3. Quality Control (QC) In Clinical Laboratory
4. Writing Policies/Procedures (SOPs / IPPs)
5. Quality Management Program for Clinical Laboratories
6. Implementing a Document Control Program In Your Laboratory
7. Training Checklists Vs. Competency
8. Introduction to CAP Accreditation
9. External Quality Program-Proficiency Testing (PT)
10. Maintenance In Clinical Laboratories
11. Panic (Critical Values)
12. LIS (Lab Information System)
13. Quality of Water
14. Specimens And Records Retention
15. Verification / Validation for Qualitative Instruments / Methods / Tests
16. Verification / Validation for Quantitative Instruments / Methods / Tests
17. POCT (Point of Care Testing) Program
18. Quality Indicators (Key Performance Indicators)
19. CAP Calibration Verification & Linearity (CVLs) Surveys
20. Equipment / Instruments Performance Qualification / Validation / Verification
21. CAP Inspection Stages (Before, During, & At The End Of The Inspection)
22. How To Be CAP Ready Every Day In Your Laboratory
23. How To Become An Excellent CAP Inspector
24. The Most Common CAP Inspections Deficiencies (Citations) & How To Avoid Them
25. Individualized Quality Control Plan (IQCP)
26. Introduction To Safety In Clinical Laboratories
27. Effective Leadership Skills
28. Effective Communication Skills
29. How to Provide Exceptional Customer Service?

Duration: Fee: